How Veduta™ works

Veduta™ works by reading your system's log files and Windows event logs and producing an image representing your system's behaviour, a day at a time.


Each image will represent how busy your system is, how many errors it has encountered, how many sales you've made, or anything else you wish to configure.

You can display webserver behaviour alongside database behaviour, price feed behaviour alongside portfolio server behaviour, or whatever combination you desire.

Veduta allows you to display all the information in your enterprise together, in one easy-to-read display. Using Veduta, you can:

  • Spot errors or events encountered by your different services.
  • Did my server suffer any errors last night ?
    How many sales occurred yesterday ?

  • Identify trends across your different services.
  • How busy are my servers ?
    Are my servers busier this week than last week ?
    What effect did that server upgrade have ?

  • Manage interactions between different services
  • My dataserver failed last night. Did the backup server cope ok ?
    My price feed died. How did my applications manage ?
    We've just brought a new webserver into the cluster. Are loads being balanced now ?

Simply configure Veduta with your system's log files and what you want Veduta to identify from these (messages, activity etc.). Veduta generates fully customisable reports for your intranet, for any browser.

See some screenshots and some examples for demonstrations on how Veduta can help you manage your systems. Or download a trial edition today!

Veduta is a trademark of OOPS Consultancy Ltd. Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Copyright© 2007 OOPS Consultancy Ltd.